Менеджер это тот, кто уменьшает неопределенность.
Что такое надпрофессиональное образование? Это уменьшение лоховости во всем, что не касается непосредственно твоей профессии! Но и профессии тоже.
Буду делать хорошо и не буду лохом!
Неважно какие у тебя есть знания, умения и навыки ну, да, желательно, чтобы их было побольше, их уровень повыше, а глубина поглубже но! важно как ты умеешь применять этот пакет имеющихся у тебя знаний, умений и навыков. Как применять этот пакет наиболее эффективно в проекте «твоя жизнь»? в этом суть надпрофессионального образования.
Развитие современного общества и появление новых проблем, сопровождающих это
развитие, делает ясным, что в 21-м веке потребуются не только эксперты по некоторым аспектам отдельных стадий сложных процессов (профессионалов в старом понимании этого термина). Понадобятся специалисты по решению проблем. Это означает, что истинные междисциплинарные исследования, основанные на теории сложности, будут в цене. А в университетах будут стараться учить не
«предметам», а «стилям мышления».
Фразовые глаголы в английском языке - это глаголы, представляющие собой сочетание глагол + частица.
Данное сочетание является идиоматическим: его значение нельзя вывести из значений глагола и соответствующей частицы.
Ниже представлен список некоторых фразовых глаголов и идиоматических выражений с примерами их употребления,
который прислала juka.
to get on уживаться, ладить
I have always got on well with children.
to grow up вырастать, становиться взрослым
I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.
to go through преодолевать, переживать
Daddy thought it was just a children phase I was going
to make it up помириться, примириться
Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before
I went to college.
to bring up 1) воспитывать; 2) поднимать (вопрос); заводить (разговор)
1. We have brought her up to be an independent thinker.
2. I needed to tell my parents about it so I brought the
subject up one night over the dinner.
to take after подражать (кому-л), идти по стопам (кого-л.)
Her father was disappointed that she didn't take after him
and study law.
to pick up научиться (чему-л.), нахвататься
My grandmother was a wonderful cook and I picked up a lot of
cooking tips from her.
to be taken aback быть пораженным, "убитым", быть неприятно изумленным
I was taken aback at first when he announced what he wanted
to do.
to get over привыкнуть (к чему-л.), смириться (с чем-л.)
My grandfather still hasn't got over it, but my mother is
delighted that I'm doing something I enjoy.
to give up бросить, прекратить заниматься (чем-л.)
He thinks I'm mad to have given up farming.
to carry on продолжать, вести (дело)
I knew it was a waste of time to carry on studying farming.
to fall out ссориться
We fell out for months, he even refused to allow me into his house.
to drop out бросать (работу, учебу)
He went to university but he dropped out after just one
to look after присматривать
I was brought up with a butler and a nanny to look after me.
to make up выдумывать
By the time I was 15 i had started to make up my own cookery
Is that a true story, or did you make it up?
to put off 1) откладывать, переносить; 2) вызывать отвращение
1. I knew I couldn't put off telling her any longer so I risked.
2. The kitchen in the restaurant was so dirty. it put me off
eating there again.
to turn out закончиться (чем-л.)
Everything has turned out to the best.
to take over брать на себя, принимать
I have taken over the cooking at home for my parents' dinner
to look up искать (что-л. в справочнике)
If you don't know the meaning of the word, look it up in the
to work out 1) подсчитать; 2) понять, решить (задачу), найти ответ на вопрос
1. I'm trying to work out how much you owe me.
2. It's one of those book where it's difficult to work out who
all the characters are.
to hang on 1) ждать; 2) крепко держаться (за что-л.)
1. - Can I speak to Martin?
- Hang on. I'll go and get him.
2. Hang on! We're going to crash into the car in front!
to go on 1)случаться, происходить; 2) продолжаться
1.Can you hear all that noise outside? I wonder what's going
2. - Are you listening to me?
- Yes, go on. I'm listening to every word.
to talk until the cows come home разговаривать до последнего
I hadn't seen my old school friend for ages, so we stayed up
talking for most of the night. We talked until the cows come
to sort out the sheep from the goats отделять зерна от плевел
The test was very difficult. it showed the teacher which
students had done the work and which student hadn't. It
really sorted out the sheep from the goats.
to have a stag party устраивать мальчишник, холостяцкую вечеринку
My brother's getting married on Saturday and he's going out
with all his mates before. He's having a stag party.
to be gentle as a lamb быть нежным, как агнец
Our dog is very big and fierce-looking but he's very good
with babies and children. He's as gentle as a lamb.
to smell a rat чуять недоброе, подозревать
I didn't believe a word that salesman said about that car. I
knew he was lying about the number of miles it had done. I
really smelt a rat.
to be like water off a duck's back что с гуся вода
It doesn't matter how much you get angry with her, it has no
effect. It's like water of a duck's tail.
to make an ass of yourself ставить себя в глупое положение
The interview was terrible. I forgot everything I wanted to
say, and I couldn't answer their questions either. I really
made an ass of myself.
to behave like a bull in a china shop вести себя как слон в посудной лавке
Careful! You are so clumsy! You've knocking everything off
the table. You're like a bull in a china shop.
to set the cat amongst the pigeons опростоволоситься
I didn't know that Bob knew nothing about Anna and Peter.
When I told him he went white. I think I've really set a cat
amongst pigeons.
to be unable to say boo to a goose быть робким, застенчивым
Maisie is such a shy girl; she never puts her hands up, she
can't say boo to a goose.
to come about случаться, происходить
How did it come about that everyone knows my decision?
to crack up смеяться до упаду
His joke makes me crack up.
to cry out вопить, кричать
She cried out for help but no one heard her.
to cut down on делать что-л. в меньшем объеме
Try to cut down on using your mobile phone.
to do up украшать
She's doing up the kitchen.
to dress up as...for нарядиться как...
Lucy dressed up as Tina Turner for the party.
to drop in on зайти, заглянуть
I'll drop in on you this evening if you like.
to fall apart рассыпаться на части
It fell apart in my hands.
to find out узнать, выяснить
Phone and find out when the film starts.
to finish off доедать
Hey, you've finished off all the ice-cream!
to come back (into fashion) снова стать модным
Long coats came back during that cold winter last year.
to come back (to) припоминаться
Wait a minute - her name is coming back to me.
to come between становиться "яблоком раздора", стать причиной ссоры
Nothing can ever come between me and my girlfriend.
to come down уменьшаться, падать
Prices have come down since the summer.
to come down with заболеть (чем-л.)
I think I'm coming down with flu.
to come from 1) быть родом из; 2) происходить от
1. He comes from London.
2. Do humans come from apes
to come on 1) поспешить; 2) приближаться, наступать; 3) подходить, подъезжать (после остальных)
1. Come on, let's go!
2. I've got a cold coming on.
3. You go and I'll come on when I've finished working.
to come out выходить, выпускаться
When will their new CD come out?
to come round 1) заходить, заезжать; 2) приходить в себя
1. Can you come round this evening?
2. She's coming round, thank goodness.
to come through 1) выясняться, обнаруживаться; 2) остаться в живых, перенести
1. News came through that they had arrived safely.
2. He has come through the operation but he's still sleeping.
to come to прийти в себя
She came to and found herself lying on the floor.
to come up 1) подниматься; 2) быть упомянутым; 3) всплывать, появляться
1. The sun was coming up as we began our walk.
2. Whenever there is trouble, her name comes up.
3. A summer job has come up in the cafe.
to come up against сталкиваться, встречаться
We came up against several problems in the beginning.
to come up to 1) приближаться (к чему-л.); 2) достигать уроня, соответствовать
1. The water came up to our knees.
2. Your homework doesn't come up to your usual high standard.
to come up with выступить с предложением, идеей
He came up with a brilliant idea for her birthday present.
to copy something down записать что-л.
Copy down these words.
to do with something иметь что-л. причиной
The rows are to do with money.
to do without обойтись (без чего-л.)
I haven't got any more sweets so you'll have to do without.
to drop off 1) заснуть, отрубиться; 2) уменьшаться
1. I always drop off on the train.
2. The number of people who go to restaurants is dropping off.
to drop someone off высадить (из машины)
Drop me off at the next corner, please.
to eat out поесть в ресторане, кафе
Shall we eat out tonight?
to eat up подирать, поглощать
He has eaten up all the dinner.
to fade away угасать,становиться слабее
The voice under the heap of bricks was fading away.
to fall back on something использовать кого-либо, что-либо как крайнее средство
Do you have money to fall back on if you lose your job?
to fall behind (with) 1) отставать, опадывать; 2) просрочить
1. Your son has fallen behind with his schoolwork.
2. You have fallen behind with your rent.
to fall for someone влюбиться
I've fallen for her in a big way.
to fall for something купиться, клюнуть, попасться
You didn't fall for his excuse about being busy at in the
library, did you?
to fall off отпадать, отваливаться
The handle has fallen off.