

Менеджер — это тот, кто уменьшает неопределенность.

Что такое надпрофессиональное образование? — Это уменьшение лоховости во всем, что не касается непосредственно твоей профессии! Но и профессии тоже.

Буду делать хорошо и не буду лохом!

Неважно какие у тебя есть знания, умения и навыки — ну, да, желательно, чтобы их было побольше, их уровень повыше, а глубина поглубже — но! — важно как ты умеешь применять этот пакет имеющихся у тебя знаний, умений и навыков. Как применять этот пакет наиболее эффективно в проекте «твоя жизнь»? — в этом суть надпрофессионального образования.

Развитие современного общества и появление новых проблем, сопровождающих это развитие, делает ясным, что в 21-м веке потребуются не только эксперты по некоторым аспектам отдельных стадий сложных процессов (профессионалов в  старом понимании этого термина). Понадобятся специалисты по решению проблем.
Это означает, что истинные междисциплинарные исследования, основанные на теории сложности, будут в цене. А в университетах будут стараться учить не «предметам», а «стилям мышления».


#22  #21 
#20  #19 
#18  #17 
#16  #15
#14  #13 
#12  #11
#10  #9
#8    #7
#6    #5
#4    #3
#2    #1


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These rules are definitely not all that exists in English, but they are important anyway.

1. Commas

  1. Use commas to set off parenthetical clauses and phrases (a parenthetical expression is one that is not necessary to the main idea of the sentence)

    Gordon, who is a writer by profession, bakes an excellent cheesecake.

    The main idea is that Gordon bakes an excellent cheesecake. The intervening clause merely serves to identify Gordon; thus it should be set off with commas.

    The newspaper that has the most insipid editorials is the D.T.


    The newspaper, which has the most insipid editorials of any I have read, won numerous awards last week.

    In the first example the clause beginning with that defines which paper the author is discussing.

  2. Use commas after introductory participal or prepositional phrases.

    Having watered his petunias every day during the drought, Harold was very disappointed when his garden was destroyed by insects.

    After the benquet, Harold and Martha went dancing.

  3. Use commas to separate independent clauses (clauses that could stand alone as complete sentences) connected by coordinate conjunctions such as and, but, not, yet, etc.

    Make sure the comma separates two independent clauses, joined by a conjunction. It is incorrect to use a comma to separate the two parts of a compound verb.

    Barbara went to the grocery store, and bought two quarts of milk.

2. Semicolons

  1. Use a semicolon instead of a coordinate conjunction such as and, or, but to link two closely related independent clauses.

    Whooping cranes are endangered species; There are only 50 whooping cranes in New Jersey today.

    Whooping cranes are endangered species, and they are unlikely to survive if we continue to pollute.

    Whooping cranes are endangered species; And they are unlikely to survive if we continue to pollute.

  2. Use a semicolon between independent clauses connected by words like therefore, nevertheless, and moreover

    The staff meeting has been postponed until next Thursday; Therefore, I will be unable to get approval for my project until then.

3. Colons

  1. In formal writing the colon is used only as a means of signaling that what follows is a list, definition, explanation, or concise summary of what has gone before. The colon usually follows an independent clause, and it will frequently be accompanied by an expression like the following, as follows, or namely, or by an explicit demonstrative like this.

    The biggest problem with the country today is apathy: The corrosive element that will destroy our democracy.

  2. Be careful not to put a colon between a verb and its direct object.

    I want: a slice of pizza and a small green salad.

    This is what I want: ...

  3. Context will occasionally make clear that a second independent clause is closely linked to its predeccessor, even without an explicit expression like those used above.

    We were aghast: The "Sharming country inn" that had been advertised in such glowing terms proved to be a leaking cabin full of mosquitoes.

4. Hyphens and Dashes

  1. Use the hyphen with the compound numbers twenty-one through ninty-nine, and with fractions used as adjectives.

  2. Use the hyphen with the prefixes ex-, all-, self-, and semi- and with the suffix -elect.

  3. Use the hyphen with a compound adjective when it comes before the word it modifies, but not when it comes after the word it modifies.

    The no-holds-barred argument.

  4. Use the hyphen with any prefix used before a proper noun or adjective.


  5. Use the hyphen to separate component parts of a word in order to avoid confusion with other words or to avoid the use of a double vowel.

    Most of the buildings in the ghost town are re-creations of the original structures.

    anti-inflammatory drug

  6. Use the dash to indicate an abrupt change of thought.

    The inheritance must cover the entire cost of the proposal — Gail has no other money to invest.

    The house — and it was the most dilapedated house that I had ever seen — was a bargain because the land was so valuable.

Технопарк Среды

DOBR_CONSULTING - Новый проект для Малого бизнеса

Китайский Проводник

проект СельхозЕва

Интернет-Магазин Настоящей Еды И-МНЕ

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Международный Фестиваль <User Generated Клип! 3.0>

Проект Инди-Инди. Инди — это такой способ жить. Когда делаешь только то, что ценно — без каких-то компромиссов.

Arty Talk или Рисоваська - "Аська" в которой рисуют

НадПроф-TV — это не сервис, это эфир!

Проект 108 актуальных репортажей из Индии

Зимний Летний проектный лагерь проекта НадПроф - НадПрофессиональное образование и Школы по Второй логике - Индия-2008. Погружение

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Корректорская правка и литературное редактирование текстов on-line

Проект "neq4: мультимедийные виртуальные туры"

Компания УМА — создание интернет-магазинов

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